Doing business in North Macedonia

The tax environment in the country is the most attractive feature for businesses, local and foreign alike. Probably the lowest corporate income tax rate i.e. 10%. Not only that, the government allows a 10-year tax exemption if funds are invested in the Free Economic Zones.

Another factor is the continuity of policies that directly effect economy. Over the years North Macedonia has turned into a breeding ground for tech and other startups due to the factors stated above.

Our experience in assisting numerous businesses for past many years, ensures that our clients derive maximum benefit from the situation.

Setup Business

Establishing a new business or expanding an existing business into new territories is a difficult task. So much goes into the process that often the situation becomes overwhelming and nerve testing.

We take the stress out of the process with a proven track record in setting up businesses all across North Macedonia.

Form a business

The Trade Registration authority of North Macedonia offers a one-window operation regarding the registration and other such matters.

Preparing accurate documentation and filling all the required forms is essential, dotting all the I’s and crossing all the T’s. We take all steps conscientiously to ensure that your business is initiated timely and operates flawlessly.

Transfer business

While your customer base expands and profits soar to new heights, the company law may require an upgrade too. After reaching the trade ceiling, the only way up would be to transfer into a new business format. From sole proprietor to partnership, limited liability, or the all-out IPO.

Let us assess your current and future requirements and provide the best business advice that will bring sustainable growth in the years to come.

Business overview in North Macedonia

North Macedonia is a progressive and peaceful country. It offers an environment completely conducive to business. Some defining factors are the relaxed tax policies, access to advance technology and IT infrastructure, long-term trade-friendly policies, and double tax treaties with almost every major economy of the world.

The geographical placement of North Macedonia enforces the country’s position as a haven for local and foreign investors. Situated in the heart of Balkan countries, it serves as a bridge between Central Europe, the Aegean, and the Black Sea.

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