Joint Stock Company in North Macedonia
Commonly used by investors to form SME, a JSC in North Macedonia may be managed in two ways. Firstly, through the elected representatives of the Board of Directors (BoD) before a JSC is incorporated, also known as a one-tier system. Secondly, a second-tier system in which a supervisory BoD is elected before the incorporation.
Similarly, regarding the formation of a JSC, there are two prevailing methods in the country. The simultaneous method requires all shares to be contributed by the JSC’s shareholders. The successive method is where the shares are listed on the stock market and the public is invited to trade.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg, factoring in the paid-up capital requirements and other essentials, the process becomes overwhelming often. Bringing us on board will ease the process, as our team of experts is always a step ahead of the game. No detail is trivial, we ensure that your transition from an investor to a JSC owner is flawless and effortless.
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The level of association with our clients and the services we provide them are unmatched in the market for most part. All the extra miles we cover reflect in our rate of success and returning customers.
Our services include:
- Company registration;
- Corporate advisory;
- Banking solutions;
- Accounting, audit, and taxation services;
- Legal representation and advisory;
- Information security and corporate espionage protective solutions and much more!

Joint Stock Company registration conditions
The two methods of formation of a JSC differ in paid-up capital requirements of formation. While Eur 50,000 paid-up capital is required for Simultaneous Formation, Eur 25,000 only is required for successive formation of JSC.
Besides this, rest of the requirements are similar, such as:
- the liability of the shareholders is limited to the subscribed shares amount,
- complete foreign ownership is allowed,
- Compulsory appointment of Internal Audit Unit to perform and submit annual audit report to the Public Revenue Office,
- JSC is considered founded after registration in the trade register.
The company registration process in North Macedonia is very efficient, provided all necessary documentation is complete and submitted when demanded. Generally, it takes up to 4 working days for registering a company after submission of the paper work. The timeline is applicable to all company structures.
Contact us for our and government quote.
Compulsory regulation
The compliance required by North Macedonian law and the regulations thereof are laid out in the Law of Trade Companies of North Macedonia.
It covers topics such as composition of the company, types of business structures permissible, shareholding, legal situation of members, CIT application, etc.
The application of regulations depends on the type of company format and nature of business.
North Macedonian trade law requires submission of a series of documents for JSC registration.
- Statute of the JSC,
- Power of attorney given by the incorporators and JSC representatives,
- Documents of the relevant entities and/or natural person representing incorporators/stockholders,
- Statement of interest and purpose by the bodies or natural person,
- Proof of paid amount issued by the bank in which payment of stock was deposited,
- Terms & conditions on which the entire or partial capital is registered,
- Contracts and sub contracts for issuance of stock,
- Assessment by court expert,
- Evidence of ownership,
- Establishment cost details,
- Audit report.
Documents mentioned above are compulsory to produce, any missing document may lead to rejection of the application. Our services stretch to ensure that all documents are in order and satisfy legal requirements at every step.
Consultation about Joint Stock Company registration
Our consultation services for registering a Joint Stock Company in North Macedonia are aimed at assisting you in every stage of setting up your business. Our knowledgeable advisors will assist you with all the necessary paperwork, permits, and registrations to ensure a seamless and effective process. We offer tailored advice on legal obligations, share capital, and company structure to help you make well-informed decisions that are in line with your business objectives.
Ownership management
Handling ownership of a Joint Stock Company is both complicated and essential. We offer services that involve managing ownership changes, overseeing beneficial owners, and handling ownership transfers. We guarantee that all ownership changes are accurately recorded and meet current regulations.
Corporate structure changes
As your business grows, your corporate structure may also need to evolve. If you require modifications such as changing directors, updating nominee information, or making other structural adjustments, we offer thorough services to help facilitate these changes in a seamless and efficient manner.
Share capital management
Managing share capital is crucial for the financial well-being of your company. We provide assistance in boosting, decreasing, selling, and transferring share capital, guaranteeing that all transactions are executed accurately and in compliance with legal regulations.
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