Holding Company in North Macedonia
Interchangeably known as “Umbrella” or “Parent” company, a holding company itself does not offer any product or service. It owns holding shares in other companies in an overseeing capacity rather than running those companies.
Usually, holding companies are formed to centralize diversified business portfolios under a singular name. For instance, Coco Cola Inc is a holding company that further owns hundreds of brands. Holding companies are also formed as a result of mergers between 2 or more different businesses. Such as Lipton Tea merging into Lever Brothers forming Unilever.
The process of turning companies into Holding Companies is complicated and lengthy and requires lots and lots of groundwork. For years we have been offering our unique services in this regard, with plenty of success stories to showcase. Our services are streamlined and monitored by highly trained individuals who assist our clients at each step of the process.
Setup a Holding Company
Due to its low tax regime, competitive geostrategic location in Europe, and reputation as a reliable NATO and EU ally, North Macedonia has become a paradise for investors worldwide.
If you have the right investment, we can offer you top-of-the-shelf services regarding setup, operations, and upgrading the existing business format. We help you muster the necessary finances, expertise, and resources essential for business growth into new realms.

Holding company formation procedure
All companies are registered with the Trader Registrar’s office of North Macedonia. Usually, it takes 2 to 4 working days for a company to be registered, provided all required documents are produced.
Buying controlling shares in a company as a limited liability company or partnership can bring unlimited advantages for overseas investors. Most importantly, it liberates the investors from any losses that the firm may incur.

The registration usually follows the below steps:
- Obtaining a certificate for business,
- Preparing documentation,
- Submitting application with Trade Registrar office.
Requirements to form a Holding company
Providing the necessary documents and following all the required steps is detrimental in establishing a company in North Macedonia.
General requirements for any format of company are:
- List of owners/shareholders,
- Declaration of basic capital,
- Main activity of the business,
- Headquarter of the company,
- Company’s bank account details,
- Authorized representatives in North Macedonia.
Necessary documents
Almost all type of companies requires similar documentation for registration purposes initially. The documentation requirements may differ however on later stages.
The required documents initially are:
- Certification regarding purpose and core business activities,
- Declaration of initial and paid-up capital,
- Evidence of financial resources,
- Bank details,
- Headquarter of the company,
- Personnel and board of directors or owners,
- Legal representation in North Macedonia.
Form a Holding company in North Macedonia
Acquiring controlling shares in a successful business is probably the easiest way to invest in a foreign country. Especially in North Macedonia, where the tax laws and ease of doing business make owning a holding company even more attractive.
Our team is continuously in touch with companies of all sizes that are willing to sell out portions of their companies to investors. We can pave a smooth way to the acquisition of a holding company.

Other legal forms in North Macedonia
North Macedonia’s relaxed tax laws and encouraging trade policies makes the country an attractive location for international investors. Almost any format of business structure can be registered in the country, the most commonly seen are:
- Limited Liability Company (LLC),
- Joint Stock Company (JSC),
- Limited Partnership,
- General Partnership,
- Limited Partnership with shares (Holding Company).